Organization Architecture and Design

Are you facing these challenge?

  • Employees are working hard without producing equivalent results

  • Increased use of technology has not increased productivity

  • Mismatch of skills-needed compared to skills-available for evolving business priorities

  • Poor practices defended by “That’s just the way we do it here” excuses

Why It’s Important

Historically, organizational growth was successful by simply adding more staff to complete tasks. Now, organizations grow through dynamic, agile structures.  After creating a great strategy, companies often fail to execute because they are trying to do new work activities with an old organizational design.  A great strategy can only be executed by a supporting organizational structure.

Let Direct Effect Solutions show you how to create a dynamic, agile organization structure to drive the goals of your strategic plan.

How We Help

Direct Effect Solutions helps clients realign and optimize the organization under the umbrella of a strong strategic plan.  When employees participate in the realignment of important work functions, they feel more invested and committed because they know the work they are contributing is clearly important to the company. The old mantra of “more work than we have people” becomes the new mantra of “right people, doing the right things, at the right time”.

Learn more about how DES helped with Organization Architecture and Design.